jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2018

             Halloween ´18 is over, but it left us a few scary posters which our ESO students designed and presented to this year´s competition. Here are the winners: 

INDIVIDUAL: Rodrigo Sánchez Sánchez (1º ESO F)
GROUP: María Luque, Eva Palomo, Celia Nicolás, Daniela Williams, Alexia Sánchez y Claudia Rodríguez. (2º ESO C)

Rodrigo made a poster inspired in the film THE NUN and the girls dressed up like the scary doll ANABELLE. There was a jury of 14 teachers who voted not only the most original pictures but also the quality of the description and the language used.

Here are some of the other wonderful and spooky  posters that the students made and are still displayed on our school walls.

 Congratulations to all of you and thank you for taking part in this competition!! And thank you very much to the AMPA who cooperated with us another year with a gift for the winners! 

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